Interaction Analysis

The Symbolic System Program
Stanford University
Professor Jeff Shrager (

This course is no longer offered. 

If you are interested in seeing the syllabus, contact Jeff (


In this course, we investigate how cognitive processes such as perception, learning, reasoning, and problem solving, inform the design and analysis of complex, interactive systems. We both study these important cognitive processes, and analyze the ways in which they operate in important real-world contexts. Major topics include: cognitive architectures, analysis of skilled performance, complex learning and discovery, adaptive and intelligent interfaces, user assistance systems, and special topics according to students' interests. We also try to consider issues related to overlooked populations, such as the elderly, people with special cognitive needs (e.g., dyslexia), and children.

The class takes place in an interactive discussion format, and participation in these discussions is crucial to the learning process. In addition to weekly readings, and small in- and out-of-class projects, students will produce a larger project examining interactive cognition in a real world setting of their own choosing. Although there are no formal prereqs., exposure to cognitive psychology and/or AI will be helpful.